27th April, 2018
The rally traversed from Hera Nagar Police Station, Indore to the Brilliant Convention Centre, Indore.
The undermentioned were also among the several who participated in the Traffic Awareness Rally organized by Rotary Club, Indore in collaboration with Anand Service Society, Abha Kunj Welfare Society, People for Animals and Index Institute of Dental Sciences, Indore:
- Shri Harinarayanachari Mishra, D.I.G. Indore
- Shri Harish Motwani, S.P., City Indore
- Shri Pradeep Singh Chauhan, A.S.P., Traffic , Indore
- Shri Sudhridra Mohan Sharma, Charted President, Rotary Club (Sankalp), Indore
- Shri Mahendra Singh Bhadhoria, T.I., Hera Nagar Thana , Indore
- Dr. Poonam Tomar Rana, Lecturer, Dept of Public Health Dentistry, Index Institute of Dental Sciences, Indore
- Dr. Kuldeep Singh Rana, Lecturer, Dept of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Index Institute of Dental Sciences, Indore